“A staunch conservative, a true American patriot, and he (Bill Russell) deserves your support. If there were ever a time for the grass-roots to come together and help an underdog Republican candidate make a difference, this is it.”
– Syndicated Columnist Michelle Malkin on Bill Russell.

Lt. Colonel Bill Russell is running for Congress to rally support for America’s fighting men and women, while offering a pro-family, smaller government voice for Pennsylvania’s 12th Congressional District. More than defeating John Murtha, Bill’s campaign is a call to patriotism and conservative action.

Military Heritage

Watch Bill’s Interview on FOX News>The son of a career military officer, Bill Russell’s “home” addresses spanned some eleven states and seven countries, before settling his own family in Johnstown, Pennsylvania. A third generation soldier, he began his military career at West Point, and earned his undergraduate degree and officer commission at Louisiana State University.

Lieutenant Colonel Russell served in the U.S. Army for 28 years of Active and Reserve service, including six tours in hostile fire zones. His deployments include Operation Desert Storm, Kosovo and most recently Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Surviving 9-11

Watch an Introductory Video on Bill’s Campaign>On the morning of September 11, 2001, Bill and his wife Kasia, pregnant with their second child, were at work at The Pentagon during the terrorist attack. After confirming Kasia’s safety, he joined hundreds of survivors in an unprecedented rescue and recovery operation. Their son was born three months after the attack, becoming the youngest Pentagon survivor of 9-11.

Running for Congress

Although Bill’s commitment as an officer in the Army Reserve prohibits campaign activities while on active duty, the grassroots “Russell Brigade” has rallied to the cause. From making tens of thousands of phone calls to secure his position on the November ballot, to raising hundreds of thousands dollars in small contributions, the campaign has moved far beyond any single candidate, to become a national movement for change in the 12th Congressional District.


Kasia Russell
Greene County
Waynesburg Rain Day
July 29

Bill Russell
Fayette County
Front Porch Tour
August 1, 2
Details: TBA

Maloni’s Restaurant
August 2, 2008
12 noon

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